Principled partnering for impactful partnerships

We see that principled, intentional, multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral collaboration can create more just and sustainable change.

We promote and practise the skilled management of the partnering process and principled collaborative leadership as key enablers of transformational change.

Latest from PBA

  • Connect and share

    There are very many changes going on in the world. And we sense a profound need for cooperation and care to overcome the anxiety and fear that is emerging. And we see partnering as a vessel for such cooperation and care. PBA holds on to its vision of a “Humanity flourishing in fair societies and vibrant ecosystems because people collaborate bravely across boundaries in the spirit of partnership.” Others see this too, as evidenced in the humanity of humanitarianism.

    Our world, our societies, our communities thrive through connection and collaboration, not through conflict and control. It takes courage to collaborate bravely across boundaries to overcome divisions. Humanity flourishes where there is care, mutual respect and equity. We are stronger together not apart. We can bear the burden when responsibility is shared not imposed. That is the power of collaboration.

    If this resonates with you, and you would like to connect and share, then send us an email. If there is enough interest we will convene a space to meet and explore what more we can do together. Please send an email entitled ‘Connecting’ to

  • Future of Aid 2040: Pathways to Transformation

    We’re excited to announce that PBA is supporting the new Future of Aid 2040: Pathways to Transformation project. This will be a two-year exploration into the future of humanitarian aid led by the Interagency Research and Analysis Network (IARAN) and the Center for Humanitarian Leadership (CHL). Building on the widely influential Future of Aid: INGOs in 2030 report, this initiative aims to provide updated insights on humanitarian trends and guide sector transformation. First insights from this study are set for release in September 2025.

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  • Stories from the frontline of Public Private Partnerships

    In June 2023, partners of the Sustainable Development Goals Partnership (SDGP) facility of RVO gathered to share their experiences and write their stories about engaging in Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). The writing workshop (‘writeshop’) was part of a four year PBA accompaniment trajectory to RVOs SDG Partnerships. A number of PBA Associates worked on this accompaniment trajectory. The writeshop is a method of the Barefoot Guide to help practitioners reflect on their practice, and was facilitated by the Barefoot Guide Connection together with PBA.

    “Stories from the frontline of Public Private Partnerships” is an anthology of eleven compelling stories, each of them a testament to the trials, triumphs, and untapped potential inherent in PPPs. Accompanying the stories are an analysis and insights, all of which capture the essence of our collective pursuit: to find ways to work together that make a difference.

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  • ANZ-PBA Partnering Awards 2024 announced

    Just Healthy Families (JHF), a health justice partnership embedding free legal help into health and social service settings across Tasmania, was announced as the recipient of the inaugural ANZ-PBA Partnering Award. The JHF initiative aims to co-locate lawyers with health professionals, to ensure lawyers are routinely in the right place at the right time when clients need assistance from their trusted health or social service provider.

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Practical, experience-based guidance
and support to skilfully manage collaborative processes

We provide rigorous training that maximises deep learning; a wide range of support to help your partnership achieve its very best; advice from professional partnership brokers, to help your organisation to be a better partner; and rich resources that share what we have learned over the years.

Accreditation: a professional qualification for those on the partnering front line

PBA has established the international global standard for the new profession of ‘partnership broker’ through our specialist training courses and this formal qualification.

PBA invites applications to our online Accreditation Programme whether you are working ‘internally’ (from within a partner organisation) or ‘externally’ (as an independent specialist) or in one of the growing number of hybrid roles and intermediary organisations.

Tailored support for any and all sectors

We work in and across a range of sectors, cultures and socioeconomic contexts, to find the solutions most relevant and necessary to you, your partnership or organisation.

We seek to bridge boundaries and break down silos, wherever these may be: public administration, public health, finance, business, education, international assistance, international cooperation, community growth, social inclusion, peace-building, justice.

A global network of change-makers

Our world is facing huge, complex problems, largely a result of humans’ inhumanity and irresponsibility. But we are also a world rich in resources, full of resourceful people. We have the power and know-how to bring about change, but only by working together; only by seeking the wisdom of those suffering the worst of injustices, by being humble and open. But working together isn’t easy.

It takes hard graft, dogged attention, persistent effort to make sure that relationships and partnerships can really work well, to achieve the change and the good that is needed. That’s what PBA is uniquely good at, but only because it is constantly learning and evolving.

PBA is a Company Limited by Guarantee (UK Company No. 7814169).
As a not-for-profit company, any surplus income is reinvested for the ongoing development of the Partnership Brokering profession.