Our Association

PBA is the international professional body for those managing and developing collaboration processes

Our primary aims are:

  • To challenge and change poor partnering practices so that multi-stakeholder collaboration can become truly transformational
  • Ensure those operating in partnership brokering roles are skilled, principled and work to the highest standards.
  • Promote the critical importance of partnering process management to decision-makers in all sectors

Promoting high standards in partnership brokering

PBA runs the only Accreditation Programme in partnership brokering, setting an international benchmark for this new profession and strengthening the credibility of partnership brokering as a paradigm.

Reflecting on practice

Partnership brokers are encouraged to be reflective in their practice. This means taking time to understand what has happened in the partnership, and what is needed now. Above all, regular and sincere reflection may help to reveal when the partnership brokering role is one of service and when it is one of leadership.

Practicing our principles

Though PBA has evolved 5 core partnership principles, based on partnering experience around the world, we do not impose these on others. They are offered as a useful starting point for partnerships to explore and co-create their own. Our commitment to ethical practice shapes our own conduct as partnership brokers. We promote principled partnering as a foundation for equitable collaboration.

As an organisation, PBA is a not-for-profit, values-driven entity. We operate as a distributed organisation, and endeavour to keep our operating costs as low as possible.

Learning through practice

We are committed to a process of continuous enquiry – and continuous improvement – in the role that partnership brokers play in supporting impactful collaboration. We seek to:

  • Understand the importance of brokering in building innovative, effective and efficient partnerships
  • Discover insight and knowledge that will contribute to the promotion of the highest standards in partnership brokering
  • Capture the experiences of partnership brokers in order to inform policy, underpin system-change and improve partnering practice.

Our Association

Our world is facing huge, complex problems, largely a result of humans’ inhumanity and irresponsibility. But we are also a world rich in resources, full of resourceful people. We have the power and know-how to bring about change, but only by working together; only by seeking the wisdom of those suffering the worst of injustices, by being humble and open. But working together isn’t easy.

It takes hard graft, dogged attention, persistent effort to make sure that relationships and partnerships can really work well, to achieve the change and the good that is needed. That’s what PBA is uniquely good at, but only because it is constantly learning and evolving.

Practitioners across the globe

An ever-growing movement of partnership practitioners around the world; 4500+ Alumni (graduates from our training programmes); 400+ Accredited partnership brokers; and 100+ Associates.

We are also hosting a global network of partnership practitioners working in diverse ways and contexts.

Innovative Programmes

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PBA is a Company Limited by Guarantee (UK Company No. 7814169).
As a not-for-profit company, any surplus income is reinvested for the ongoing development of the Partnership Brokering profession.