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Join us in Jakarta

Our next training course begins in Jakarta on 10 April, running for four days.  After that we’ll be training in Kolkata, Edmonton and Toronto.  Our courses are the same the world over, so you’re welcome to apply for training at any of our locations. Please visit our training page for more details.

Why Bother with Partnership Brokers?

Read this interview between Bas Gadiot and Herman Brouwer on where they tease out why partnerships require competent process management to break through discomfort and find new, perhaps unexpected, solutions.

Design Lab for the Remote Partnering Project

held January 23-26th – for access to all the new ideas, outputs and tools go to

Exploring the opportunities and limitations of remote partnering

Remote Partnering – a new website ( has been launched to bring attention to this important and neglected topic. PBA has initiated this project in partnership with Action Against Hunger, British Red Cross, PAX for Peace and the Partnerships Resource Centre. The first phase involved a number of desk-top and action research activities and has resulted in a new publication: ‘The Current Status of Remote Partnering’.

If you are interested in sharing your experience, giving feedback on the publication or getting involved – either as an individual or on behalf of an organisation –  in this project let us know via

Shifting the Power through partnering

PBA Director, Ros Tennyson, gave a 5 minute ‘lightening talk’ in the final session of the Global Summit on Community Philanthropy (#ShiftThePower, December 2nd, Johannesburg) – she said that partnering would be the key to ‘shifting the power’ IF partnerships were truly transformational in their intent and process management. Download the PBA paper Shifting The Power, and Ros Tennyson’s presentation.

PBA as one of 5 partners launching the PEP website

PEP (Promoting Effective Partnering), offers knowledge and resources on partnering to practitioners working in partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals. Through a newly created facility, people can learn about partnering, access help, share experiences and exchange ideas. Read the press release and visit

Welcome to our New Graduates – London and Sydney

Our two most recent graduate cohorts have completed their training on opposite sides of the world – London at the end of October and Sydney at the beginning of November 2016.  Our training is the same worldwide, so wherever you choose to complete your Partnership Brokers Training, you’ll receive the same qualification and be eligible to apply for advanced training.  Contact our Training Manager ( for more information or visit our Training Programme Page.

The PBA Alumni Network is moving

We are in the process of moving the PBA Alumni Network to a new interactive site – in the meantime contact if you want to connect

Partnering – Why Rules Don’t Work

Ros Tennyson, Director of Strategy for the Partnership Brokers Association has written a guest blog for Keystone. See why Ros thinks that in partnerships, Rules Don’t Work.

New 2017 Training Dates

We’ve added new Partnership Brokers Training sessions in early 2017.  Visit our Training Programme page for the full list. Register your interest so you’ll be the first to know when applications are open.

PBA holds its first Annual Global Dialogue

On 29th June 2016, in London, 30+ alumni met to share their experiences of partnership brokering in a wide range of contexts and to explore and help to build PBA’s movement-building agenda.  Outputs from this exciting gathering will be posted shortly. Plans are under discussion for further Global Dialogues in other parts of the world where there are significant numbers of PBA alumni.

New role: AfricaWorking Partnership Network Manager

At Emerging World. All information can be accessed here:

Deadline is 15 July 2016

Ros Tennyson speaks at Start Network annual conference

PBA has been working with the Start Network for a number of years, and was delighted to join their annual conference this week. Ros joined the panel “How can governments work with civil society to overcome challenges” alongside Rt. Hon. Joe Clark: Former Prime Minister of Canada, Benjamin Laniado: President CADENA A.C., and Naseer Memon: CEO, Strengthening Participatory Organization.

Ros spoke about the importance of investing in partnerships, and how time poverty is a poor excuse to not take action in partnerships. She also shared her top tips to make the move towards transformation:

Start Network 10 tips May16








For more information on Start Networks annual conference, here is their blog:

For more information on Start Networks partnership brokering experience, and case studies on the organisation:




Emerging Partnership Lessons from Diverse Contexts – new report

Published as part of the Promoting Effective Partnering (PEP) project, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Netherlands, the report draws on the experiences of partnership brokers worldwide.  It explores the emerging lessons about partnering in diverse contexts – exploring the factors at national and local levels that impact what partnering is possible.

PBA is one of 5 partners in the project. The other 4 are: The Collective Leadership Institute, Partnerships Resource Centre, Partnerships in Practice & The Partnering Initiative.

To read the report:

For more information on the project, visit the PRC website:

PBA’s Ros Tennyson keynote at M&E Partnering for Success at Wageningen

The conference took place in the Netherlands, and had keynotes from Ros Tennyson and Bruce Byiers.

‘I believe that partnering is about sharing (not mitigating) risk; about co-creating (not dictating) solutions; and embracing (not avoiding) the principles of mutuality, transparency, diversity and equity. But it seems that it is surprisingly hard to partner effectively. How can partnership brokers help? How can partnership brokers use monitoring, evaluating, learning and capacity-building approaches to make partnerships have the best possible local impact and global influence?’ Ros Tennyson

For more information on the conference please visit the website:

To follow on twitter use the hashtag #MEpartnering