The ‘How’ of Partnership Brokering

Practical guidance

This rich variety of resources provide practice-based  guidance on various aspects of partnership brokering and being a partnership broker.

Papers from partnership brokers

Anindita Majumdar – Finding Balance, a Community Leader’s Journey

Ann Condy – An adaptation of the PBAS internal assessment

Annelies Claessens – Moving beyond transactional and transformational

Bethany Craig – Assessing the effectiveness of partnership brokering

Dana Silver – Grasping for clarity: Defining interorganizational relationships

Esther Dakin-Poole – Are you packed? Travels into new partnership realms

Greg Butler – Using a value-based leadership framework to enhance partnership brokering

Julie Mundy – Risky Business: Removing barriers to effective partnerships for development…

Kathy Gale – Partnership Brokering and Collective Impact

Kylie Shae – The Power of Questions

Lauren Hallett (Flaherty) – How to make the most of virtual communication

Lisa Burley – Maintaining the Mojo of Internal Partnership Position

Mary Frankham – If the Shoe Fits – Managing Dual Roles and Accountabilities as a Partnership Broker

Michelle Costello – Cultivating your inner place to build stronger partnerships

Seong Eun (Jenny) Lee – Synergy between Vulnerable Leadership and Partnership Brokering Principles

Sophie Clayton – Partnering principles – making them your own

Takara Morgan – Introducing PB approaches to existing partnerships

Trish Hall – Cafe Conversations in the partnership journey: Adapting organizational development tools…

Yeshe Smith – Agreements that work: Co-creating collaborative agreements

Video resources

The Partnering Process
Partnership Brokers Association Video 3 | Belinda Gorman PBA Associate | May 2020

The Partnership Broker
Partnership Brokers Association Video 4 | Belinda Gorman PBA Associate | May 2020

Dealing With Conflict in a Partnership – how Partnership Brokers deal with conflict in a partnership | August 2020

Successful Partnerships in Spanish
Partnership Brokers Association | April 2020

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As a not-for-profit company, any surplus income is reinvested for the ongoing development of the Partnership Brokering profession.