Recent & Current Research



learning-subIn addition to our case study work,

we have published a number of research reports into partnership brokering, what partnership brokers do and what they know. There are also a number of new ideas and publications on the horizon – see below for details.

What do Partnership Brokers Do?

Published in 2012, this is a review of 250 partnership brokers’ log books that form the basis of this ‘enquiry into practice’. They give a unique insight into the work and reflections of those operating in the partnership and process management (brokering) role.  Illustrated by quotes and anecdotes from the partnering front line, readers will really begin to understand more deeply why partnership brokering are so critically important to effective partnering.
What do Partnership Brokers Do?

We are currently undertaking a similar review of the log books written by partnership brokers since 2012 as part of their professional Accreditation. Watch this space for the latest insights and experiences of these front-line practitioners across the globe!

Shifting the power

In light of the significant changes in the international development landscape, partnering has an important part to play in promoting new approaches to community philanthropy. This paper explores how partnering experience can usefully be adopted by, and adapted to, the field of community philanthropy helping to drive transformational change and to sustain that change. Shifting The Power.

Partnering for Syria

This report builds on the experiences PBA had in helping ICVA (the International Council of Voluntary Organisations) to set up and run two workshops in Turkey for NGOs operating in Syria and for some of the leading international agencies working in the region. It makes both observations on the current state of partnering and some recommendations about how to strengthen collaboration for humanitarian assistance in Syria. North Syria Partnerships Report

Emerging Partnering Lessons from Diverse Contexts

This report, based on a survey of the PBA’s alumni group of partnership brokers, explores the emerging lessons about partnering in diverse contexts – exploring the factors at national and local levels that impact what partnering is possible. This is a project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands and is part of PBA’s involvement with the Promoting Effective Partnering (PEP) Facility. The Necessity of Transformation

On-going and new ideas for research include:

Re-thinking Remote Partnerships

Many partnerships have to operate largely or wholly long-distance and, to date, there is very little research into what how partnering processes / partnership brokering have to be adapted (or perhaps even completely re-configured) to meet the additional challenges of time zones and delivering in different contexts at a distance. Go to for latest emerging findings and suggestions for how to maximise remote partnering despite the challenges

Building an Academic Network on Collaborative Practice and Innovation

Working with higher education institutions worldwide to support collaborative and innovative approaches to sustainable development challenges by (i) capacity-building academic and non-academic staff to work better collaboratively, and (ii) by developing new curricula and teaching materials that support multi-actor collaboration, partnerships and innovation. 

Counting what Counts

Working with bi-lateral, multi-lateral agencies as well as foundations, this project aims to explore the crucial role that donors have in supporting (or inhibiting) multi-stakeholder collaboration. Essentially it aims to understand the realities for donors in getting the balance right between exercising due diligence and giving space for the innovation and risk so necessary for transformative and impactful partnering (

If you are interested in any of these topics or have ideas for other research themes, we would be glad to hear from you contact: