Brokering Better Partnerships



Designed as an introduction to partnership brokering


our Brokering Better Partnerships workshops have proved very successful with a number of different audiences including:

  • Raising awareness of senior managers and decision-makers of the value of effective partnering process management within organisations
  • Providing an opportunity for cross-functional teams to consider how to become better aligned and consistent in partnering practices across organisational culture and systems
  • Targeting specific groups / sectors – for example: donors; business organisations; NGO umbrella bodies
  • Drawing together key individuals in specific locations where partnering has got ‘stuck’ in a conventional model and there is a wish for something better as the starting point to building new momentum
  • A special event / session at multi-stakeholder conferences / gatherings

Usually offered as one-day workshop – but also available as a 0.5 day or 2-day workshop – the workshop is designed to be an awareness raiser about partnership brokering and, potentially a jumping off point for a more comprehensive relationship to PBA.

The content and structure is always adapted to each audience – but in outline, it looks like this:

Download: Brokering Better Partnerships – template for a one-day event

Organisations that have benefitted from this workshop include:

AIDS Alliance • Alberta government (Canada) • BBC • Department of Communities (Australia) • ICIMOD (Nepal & region) • ICVA (Turkey) • Oxfam International • Red Cross • Royal College of GPs (UK) • Sida • Start Network (UK) • Trust Consultancy (Syria / Turkey) • UNHCR • World Vision (sub-Saharan Africa)

The workshop is intentionally about partnership brokering (rather than a more general introduction to partnering which is available from other organisations) – exploring what is meant by the term; the benefits of investing in the skills, tools, approaches and frameworks that partnership brokers and brokering can bring to partnering as a paradigm and why a focus on process really matters.

For more information, contact our Training Manager at